Success Coaching

A Suc­cess Coach is some­one who helps peo­ple make pos­i­tive changes in one or more areas of their life over a peri­od of time.

Areas include:

  • Business/Career
  • Rela­tion­ships
  • Emo­tion­al Bal­ance
  • Mean­ing & Pur­pose
  • Finances
  • Health

As a Suc­cess Coach I bring the learn­ings from a full life: full of dif­fi­cult and amaz­ing chal­lenges. Work­ing my way through all that stuff and still embrac­ing all the won­der of life is a way of liv­ing that every­one deserves. Life is not meant to be hard or hor­ri­ble. I know because I have lived it.

I have raised two boys, one with ADHD and the oth­er with type 1 dia­betes. I have been mar­ried and divorced. I have been with part­ners while they lived through addic­tion, anx­i­ety and depres­sion. These expe­ri­ences have been enriched through my jour­ney into spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and per­son­al devel­op­ment. I have been a prac­tis­ing Bud­dhist for 25 years. Work­wise, I have been a jour­nal­ist, and a com­mu­ni­ty artist work­ing with all sorts of groups from young chil­dren, to teenagers, and adults. I am also a qual­i­fied school teacher hav­ing gone back to uni as a mature age stu­dent.

I cur­rent­ly run my own Eng­lish tuition busi­ness for the past 5 years and com­bine this with art work­shops and life coach­ing.

My absolute pas­sion is bring­ing peo­ple into their joy and pas­sion for life. Life is not meant to be hard or hor­ri­ble. It is our birthright to ful­ly tap into our poten­tial and live our fullest joy­ful lives.

In the ses­sions we tap into some great tech­niques for clar­i­fy­ing your thoughts, and your options. We cov­er all aspects of life start­ing with your hap­pi­ness, your rela­tion­ships, your busi­ness and career, your ideas of your life’s point and pur­pose. We take stock of where you’ve been and where you want to be. We pick up on the right effec­tive sim­ple-to-use tools that are rel­e­vant to you. We do all this AND we set goals to move you clos­er to your dreams. Every ses­sion we set achiev­able actions and we mon­i­tor your progress.

So, would you like more joy? Would you like more from life? Would you like to speed up your suc­cess in achiev­ing your goals and dreams?

Find out how with a free 60 minute ses­sion. Book in on 0413931870 and see for your­self.

Tama­ra is an out­stand­ing coach. Her insight has made a mas­sive dif­fer­ence to how I com­mu­ni­cate to my clients. She’s such a warm and lov­ing soul and a nat­ur­al coach. So easy and enjoy­able to work with. I high­ly rec­om­mend her.” Nem Jovic

I just want­ed to thank you so very much for tak­ing the time to help me. That method has worked so far real­ly well with my inter­nal hap­pi­ness. I am like a dif­fer­ent per­son now and it’s all thanks to you. I’m going to con­tin­ue to work through it … It’s assist­ed me so much already in work­ing through my deep embed­ded issues.” Lisa M.

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